Side hustles & hobbies part II: Pasta Sauce
A few weeks ago, I shared one of our summertime side hustles/hobbies – canning. Well, the green beans are done, and we quickly moved onto pasta sauce. Since it’s been a fantastic growing season here in TN, we made A LOT of sauce – both for us and family...
Side hustles & hobbies: the keys to a balanced life/work
You hear every day of the benefits of a side hustle. It balances your primary work life, helps supplement your income, provides a creative outlet, or enhances your primary career. Hobbies, which are equally important, help you energize and develop a different level of creativity. I would argue, hobbies...
A return to the new normal at work?
Return-to-work anxiety has been a common topic at home and with friends (while social distancing, of course!). Some companies are setting aggressive timelines for getting people back in the office, others are leaving it up to their employees, and still others are taking a hybrid approach. In watching the...