A return to the new normal at work?
Return-to-work anxiety has been a common topic at home and with friends (while social distancing, of course!). Some companies are setting aggressive timelines for getting people back in the office, others are leaving it up to their employees, and still others are taking a hybrid approach. In watching the...
The Experience of Service Delivery
In Service Delivery, experience is everything. Too often you hear: “Help desk is never helpful!” or “That HR agent couldn’t tell me anything about this issue with X.” Service delivery representatives have a tough job. They are front line to already frustrated, angry, and anxious people, often taking the...
Why you should think about Employee Experience even when you hate your HCM System
A conversation started like this: Leader: Leadership is really unhappy with our current HCM (Human Capital Management) system. It’s not working for us. Even though we’ve only had it about 2 years we’re already considering switching. Me: Oh, what’s going on? What isn’t it giving you? What are you...
Why it’s not weird to have a Vision and Mission for your HR System
I’ve often heard leaders talk about a vision for a system then proceeded to layout a detailed 3-year plan of incremental improvements. That’s a roadmap, which is needed to support the vision. The vision is different. It’s broad and often aspirational. Think for a minute about starting your own...