Side hustles & hobbies part II: Pasta Sauce
A few weeks ago, I shared one of our summertime side hustles/hobbies – canning. Well, the green beans are done, and we quickly moved onto pasta sauce. Since it’s been a fantastic growing season here in TN, we made A LOT of sauce – both for us and family and friends. Check out this year’s varieties and the backstory.
People always look at me a bit odd when I tell them that we do canning, especially on such a large scale for a home operation. I’m in technology and HR. How different can my hobby get?
That’s actually the reason I love it – it’s different from what I do everyday in an office.
- It’s physical (carrying pots and crockpots of sauce across the kitchen plus being on your feet for 10-14 hrs). I’m exhausted by the end of a long day.
- It’s creative. Each year I have to tweak the recipes. Based on the growing season, the tomatoes will taste a bit different, have a slightly different consistency. It’s a puzzle getting the taste of each sauce variety right.
- It’s instant gratification. At the end of the day you can see and smell the fruits of your labor. My favorite sound is the “ting” as each jar seals.
Hobbies are vitally important to help break the monotony of your work, even if you love your job. Think of it as self-care – stepping away to come back invigorated and refreshed.
Anyone up for a bowl of pasta and some fantastic sauce?